Entrenamiento funcionalHIIT BENCH: tu aliado perfecto para los entrenamientos

Hiit Bench: Your perfect ally for training

A practical bodybuilding bank with an efficient storage system so you can have all your material always by hand.  

Gestiona tu espacio FitnessLos cinco imprescindibles para abrir tu boutique fitness

The five essentials to open your fitness boutique

We talked to Brian Ferreira, Training Manager in District, the Boutique Gymnasium Chain, founded in Vigo that already has a presence throughout Spain.

Entrenamiento funcionalBeneficios de fusionar el Cross Training con Yoga

Benefits of merging Cross Training with Yoga

Explore the amazing benefits of combining Cross Training with Yoga. Improve your strength, flexibility and general welfare with this powerful fusion.

Entrenamiento funcionalCómo hacer calentamiento neuromuscular dinámico

How to make dynamic neuromuscular warming

Iván Gonzalo de Elements System proposes a dynamic neuromuscular heating routine, do not miss it ...

Disfrutar del aire libre y mantenerse en forma

Enjoy the open air and stay fit

Discover how to enjoy the outdoors and stay physical. Tips for exercising outdoors while enjoying nature.

ColaboracionesConoce a Noemí Jiménez Martín

Know Noemí Jiménez Martín

Know this outstanding figure and its impact on the field that defines it. A passion and energy that is never exhausted. Meet Noemí Jiménez Martín.