Entrenamiento funcional

Guide to training with your functional ball

Guía para entrenar con tu balón funcional

When it comes to getting started with exercise, the question of what equipment to use can be overwhelming. Starting with something that doesn't pose a mental challenge in terms of weight and has a friendly texture and grip can make getting started easier. This is where the functional ball comes in, a versatile and effective option.

The functional ball, also known as a medicine ball, is a perfect choice due to its appearance, consistency, and material that is not perceived as “hard.” Although it may not seem challenging, it becomes demanding when we choose the right exercises. It is ideal for a full-body routine when starting our return to fitness routine.

Our choice at evergy:


Select the weight of the functional ball according to your physical condition. If you have already played sports, choose the 9 kg one; if you are very active, go for the 12 kg one. For those less experienced, there are lighter options of 7 kg. The variety of options ensures that you find the right functional ball for you. In the end, it is ideal to start with the smaller weights of 3 and 5 kg to get 100% familiar with the material and technique.

functional ball

Next, we will explore various tips to perfect the technique of throwing the functional ball, one of the exercises that at first glance seems very simple:

  1. Select the Right Weight: Choose a weight that will challenge you, but not overburden you in the first round. Excessive weight can result in postural deformation and affect technique over time.

  2. Grounded Stance: Keep your legs hip-width apart, feet turned slightly outward, and your back in a neutral position.

  3. Ball Hold: Hold the ball from the lower middle area; if we imagine the face of the ball is a clock, one hand should be at 8 o'clock and the other at 4 o'clock. It's not about grabbing, but rather holding, as if you were holding a salad bowl.

  4. Starting Position: In the starting position, stand upright and make sure the ball lightly touches your chest, without leaning on it.

  5. Setup and Distance: Before throwing the ball, make sure you are standing and facing the target, and check the proper distance from the wall. The correct distance allows the ball to make a minimal parabola when it hits the wall.

  6. Distance Considerations: Avoid standing too close, as the throw will be too vertical, making it difficult to hit the target and increasing the likelihood of errors when catching the ball. Standing too far away will require excessive effort and increase fatigue.

  7. Throwing Technique: With the correct posture and the ball ready at the right distance, squat down to the parallel position and ascend in a similar manner. Use the momentum to throw the ball vertically in a slight parabola and with some force. If the ball does not bounce off the wall, it will land close to it, making it difficult to catch.

  8. Catching the Ball: Keep your hands in a salad bowl position and wait for the ball to fall to your feet. Don't try to catch it, but hold it, preferably between your chest and chin. When you come back down, squat down to catch the ball effectively.

Now, let’s get into action. Find a clear space to work in and let’s get started with a functional ball exercise routine.

Here we leave you a full body routine so you can start training with your functional ball:

Heart Rate Increase:

10 reps x 2 sets, 1 min rest between each set.

  • 10 Bring the ball to the floor in a squat, with your legs open beyond the hip, and keeping your back aligned, raise the ball with your arms semi-extended, above your head.
  • 10 Squats with the functional ball hugged to the chest
  • 10. Put the ball on the floor, resting your hands on the top, do a plank, with your feet stretched out and your arms too. Then, bring your feet to the ball in a jump, as if you were getting up from a burpee, and grabbing the ball, you raise it above your head, following the guidelines set out in the first exercise.
    You put the ball back on the ground, and again do a plank.

Functional Ball Routine:

We will perform 5 repetitions of each exercise for 9 rounds with 1 minute rest per round.

  1. 5 functional ball cleans with squats
  2. 5 Sit-ups with the functional ball touching behind our head and in front of our feet.
  3. 5 Thrusters, lowering with the functional ball in front of us in a squat and raising until extending our arms above our head.
  4. 5 Squats behind the neck, with the functional ball resting behind our head.
  5. 5 Sit-ups with the functional ball always over our head and arms stretched out.
  6. 5 Funds on the functional ball
  7. 5 Functional ball raises with the legs while lying down up to 90 degrees

Tips to get the most out of your training with Functional Ball:

Focus on performing the exercises correctly rather than doing them quickly. Make sure to maintain balance throughout each movement and adjust the weight of the functional ball according to your ability. Follow the specific instructions for each exercise, maintain proper form, and enjoy the process.

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